The following letter was emailed to us on March 10th, 2001 by Ettore's neighbor of 27 years:
Last night I happened to visit the Lorenzini's web site. I was overcome with pride because I am your Nonno, Ettore Lorenzini's, neighbor. I have been his neighbor for 27 years now. If one can pick his neighbor's there is no doubt I have picked the best in the world. He is the most gracious, loving, caring, hard-working, thoughtful and friendly neighbor and above all a dear friend. We have shared many beautiful stories "over -the fence" and I would not trade anyone of them for all the riches. He has taken me back to places in Italy when he was born and grew up, he has shared with me moments of love for his birthplace, the beauty of the Alps and the mountains and the love of his dear family in Italy. He has shared with me the never ending love of his wife. your grandmother, who had passed away in 1982. I learned to make my first strawberry-rhubarb pie from her, with the rhubarb from their yard. I still call it Mrs. Lorenzini's strawberry-rhubarb pie. She and I did many things together when I first moved next door. We used to go strawberry picking together and always, always talk about baking. She taught me how to make her delicious Biscotti's. In fact to this day your Nonno delights me with them every Christmas when he comes over to see our tree and wish us a Merry Christmas. He says that their not as good as Mom's but he underestimates himself, because they are perfect. When May comes each spring I see your grandfather start to prepare his garden. This is not an ordinary garden. It must be magical dirt. The crops that come forth from his garden are definitely prize winning in appearance and taste. I am so fortunate to be his next door neighbor because he always gives me samples of his fruits. You can only imagine the taste of those red-ripened tomato's. I have taken pictures of his tomato plants because they are picture perfect. They make mine look like twigs. He makes me feel good by telling me how to improve on my soil preparation and feedings but there is no substitute for his magic. I see your Nonno mow the grass in the summer, rake the leaves in the fall, shovel the snow in the winter and am in amazement at it all. I tell him to take it easy and to slow down but he is full of ambition and energy. My son was ordained a priest in June of 2000. Your grandfather was present at my son's Ordination, reception and First Mass. He says it was an honor to have been invited and able to attend since he knows my son Thomas since he was born. But it was more of an honor for us to have him there because of his strong religious beliefs. He once told me a story about a priest from his birthplace and how he was loved by the village. Your grandfather thought highly of him and told me how this priest was put in exile because he was practicing his faith during the time of Mussolini. Your grandfather always has wonderful stories of his children, grandchildren, marriages, vacations and of the past. My husband, Thomas and I and our three children Thomas, David and Laura are very, very fortunate and blessed to have your Nonno, Ettore Lorenzini, as our neighbor and dear friend. I love him most dearly. |